Many small and medium sized businesses spend tremendous amounts of money each year using private CPA firms for tax advice, help acquiring or evaluating financing packages, or to produce their financial statements. If your firm is presently in this position, you might want to think out bringing in a temporary CFO if you believe they could either reduce your expenses or provide services or counseling that your CPA firm cannot supply. Below we are going to discuss some of the areas that most businesses would benefit from if they were to hire a senior manager of this caliber.
Sourcing Alternative Financing – CFO’s are experts when it comes to arranging and appraising financing packages. The people that have held these positions in the past have been confronted with this issue many times previously and are aware of options that most business owners did not even know existed.
Analyzing and Assessing a Firms Organizational Structure – Many businesses could not only improve their efficiency, cut their cost, and at the same time upgrade their overall operations, if they were to reorganize themselves.
There are quite a few reasons many companies have not already implemented these enhancements and some of them are the following; the owner is stuck in their ways and has become complacent, the present management team is not competent, or the executives simply do not possess the required experience to pull it off.
Most CFO job descriptions require them to regularly analysis their company’s organizational structures and look for ways to improve it. If your firm is not performing as well as you would like it to and you are really not sure how to fix it, there is a very strong possibility a temporary CFO could point you in the right direction.
Examining a Businesses Costing and Pricing System – Many companies owners use their intuition or acumen to price out the products or services that they supply. Which is fantastic if it works out like they planed, unfortunately that is not always the case. When it comes to costing out a product, there are very strict accounting guidelines that must be followed to the letter in order to come up with an accurate cost.
If your company believes that it knows exactly what it cost to produce a product or service that it supplies, but for some reason the firm always runs out of cash each month, there is a very strong possibility your estimates are not correct. All businesses must understand there costing structure at the highest level so that they can price out their products or services accordingly. In some cases, it only takes a couple high volume products or services to be priced incorrectly to cause major cash flow problems.
Besides the areas we discussed above, there are all kinds of different ways a temporary CFO provide casino consulting and hospitality consulting to bring them to the next level. If you believe that your firm has potential but you are not sure how to unlock it, you might want to think about bringing in a high caliber business executive to give you a helping hand.